Sunday, June 30, 2013

Stats for our New Launch (Property) Website


Checkout one of our new launch website stats.

Month of June, 2013
Unique Visitors: 6018
Subscriber Sign-Ups: 99
Conversion rate = 1.65%

A significant boost of additional 1581 unique visitors as compare to May (previous month) on this site alone. But considerably average for sign-up conversion rate; which is one of our main goal for this site. We strongly believe it can be improved further.

My other property sites also show great improvements e.g DeCentrum property has achieved a Conversion rate: 28.2% (June stats) for Email LEAD enquiries alone! And that aren't includes calls & smses.

We can see there is a healthy up-trend of Malaysian, whom are now "all out" for new properties to invest or stay after the recent GE13.

Stay tuned for more.



  1. Amazing Eddie. Heard about you at our class. How can we get 300 visitors per day into our site?

  2. No Worries Swatchie.
    It takes some effort & time to grow your traffics. Definitely you will be a hit yours one day by implementing the right methods taught.
